January 1, 2010

And so it begins.

SO I set you to do this in November. I was going to open it up and run through the first three blogs during Thanksgiving vacation. Well...there have been some detours...

First computer issues, then shopping for a new computer, then waiting for new computer delivery, then Christmas, work, and now here we are January 1, 2010 (that's 20-10) I see no better a starting point then the beginning of a new year!

Especially THIS year!

So a little back ground. No if you don't know why this blog is here you will find out as you read. No back ground. Instead a little house keeping and we will get right to it.

Rules. I encourage and welcome comments and what not. Stay on this subject matter no self promoting is allowed. Just know that yes you have freedom of speech as a US citizen. But here in DanO's wURLd it is a dictatorship. You can state your opinion no matter what it is but, you will do it civilly! There will be no name calling to anyone who posts here. This is a PG rated blog. No swearing. This refers to most 4 letter words (ya know the bad ones including body parts and of course the king of curse words the F--- word) If you use the Lord's name in vein (Jesus and God) you must include all religious figures (Buddha Mohammad etc) in the same line. If ya miss one or use the swear words you will be deleted and blocked. It's not necessary.we're adults follow the golden rule no do better treat the others better then you would treat yourself.

The format of this blog is not to discuss the federal government problems but, it is to outline how to fix the government and society created problems. I am tired of hearing all the problems. I want to fix them! I am stating my opinion and speak for no group or anyone else but, myself. I feel that there are many that feel the same as I do but, I do not assume to speak for them. This is me from my own beliefs, research, feelings, and character.

I was going to sight the sources for what ever I am talking about but have figured that you can hunt those down yourself. I will of course give credit to any directly quoted items but, that will be the extent I did my goggle searching you can do your own for sources.

I look forward to sharing this journey with you all and making new and many like minded friends! God Bless America! Together we CAN change the tide! We the people surround them and they work for us! 

All content on this blog unless otherwise noted is copyrighted by Dan Welch © 2010 You may re-post in whole or part as long as these two conditions are met 1) content is unaltered and 2) you link, credit, and reference this URL somewhere in your content. Any other use is forbidden or requires written permission and approval. 
Copyright Dan Welch © 2010

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